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what Chinese glue dispensing machine manufacturer witnessed and are doing

Release time:2020-04-02 11:28:31author:browse:

 According to CCTV news released, confirmed Covid-19 cases all over the world have gone beyond 0.8million till today April 2,2020. WHO quoted the confirmed cases will break the line of 1million in next few days. Almost everyday negative news pop out from anywhere on the internet. It made most of human feel frustrated and scared. Under such world situation, no one can keep themselves out of it. We are part of the history. Like most SME in China, GDS Automation is lucky enough to resume production from end of Feb., and now everything goes to normal situation. What we’ve witnessed and are doing now?

Chinese government adopted very serious control on preventing the spread of covid-19, which happened to widely spread during Chinese spring festival. Every Chinese were required to stay at home or keep social distance. We also seriously followed the policy with good care and support from government. No one complained the limited freedom, because we witnessed the great contribution from every part of China to the virus severely infected area. Doctors, nurses, police, volunteers and normal citizen, everyone played their role with the believe that we need to win this virus battle. Till now, we’ve controlled the situation in good gesture. China is said to be the safest place in the world. We know how difficult it is to win this battle, how much sacrifices we’ve made. We are proud of being a Chinese.

While Chinese covid-19 is under control, China is also trying its efforts to support foreign countries to battle with it in the way of donating epidemic prevention materials, sending experienced doctors, and sharing therapy etc. Chinese enterprises in each industry gradually resumed production to make up the loss during strict control period. It is true that some companies are now witnessing great challenge due to world situation, especially some export-oriented enterprise. Now Chinese enterprises are trying efforts to turn this crisis to opportunity. The main market of GDS Automation is still in China. So, this time we don’t need to bother much, but sure we’ve lost the expected export increase this year. GDS automatic glue dispensing machine, LED bulb gluing machine, bulb assembly line, back-lit panel light assembly line, AB glue potting machine, automatic screw locking machine etc. have been exported to many countries last year, it is expected to reach more market this year, but now some orders under communication have stopped. Lucky enough, our domestic business keeps good increase still. To all of our foreign customers, we just hope you can take good care of yourself, and keep in contact. No matter how hard life and business is now, we will all pass it finally. Life is above everything. In future, we will still can discuss business cooperation and company development.

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