Put the work-piece on the moving platform by the designed fixture, the working platform and gluing nozzle move as programmed track to coat the work-piece accurately by compressed air." />


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TD-400R Desktop Four-axis Glue Dispensing Machine

Principle Description
Put the work-piece on the moving platform by the designed fixture, the working platform and gluing nozzle move as programmed track to coat the work-piece accurately by compressed air.

Principle Description

Put the work-piece on the moving platform by the designed fixture, the working platform and the gluing nozzle move as programmed track to coat the work-piece accurately by compressed air.

Machine Features

♦Desktop design with hand programming controller, easy to learn and operate;
♦Gluing track can be set as points, line, surface, full circle, arc and combinations etc;Not only can achieve three axis linkage, but also can achieve gluing side surface by the forth axis( the R rotary axis);
♦The instructions can be copied and arrayed;
♦Equipped industrial PLC controller, for different glue with different settings ensure the best performance.
♦Glue flow is stable without leakage and drawing.
Suitable Glue:
Silicone, thermal conductive silicone grease, UV glue, AB glue, red gum, tin cream, epoxy etc.
Various lights, auto parts, digital products, optics lens, mechanic parts, semiconductor encapsulation etc. Especially those products which need gluing on lateral facade



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