Put six PCB strips downside on the fixture sticks. Six PCB strips on the fixture sticks are being glued while being inserted to the glass tube. The tubes press down for few seconds and stick with PCBs. The whole process is finished" />


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T8 Tube Glue Dispensing Machine

Current location:HOME>TD-1206 T8/T5 Glass Tube Glue Dispensing Machine

TD-1206 T8/T5 Glass Tube Glue Dispensing Machine

Principle Description
Put six PCB strips downside on the fixture sticks. Six PCB strips on the fixture sticks are being glued while being inserted to the glass tube. The tubes press down for few seconds and stick with PCBs. The whole process is finished

Principle Description

Put six PCB strips downside on the fixture sticks. Six PCB strips on the fixture sticks are being glued while being inserted to the glass tube. The tubes press down for few seconds and stick with PCBs. The whole process is finished when the sticks are pulled out and tubes are transferred to the next work station.

Machine Feature
♦Specially designed for T8/T5 glass tube, glue valves are working at the same time, the designed capacity is 400 pcs/h;
♦Standard model is suitable for tubes in length of 600mm、900mm、1200mm(bigger size needs customization);
♦Equipped independent dispensing valve for each of six glue tracks. Glue dispensing volume is accurate and fast without glue drawing, drops or leakage;
♦Operation steps include: paving strips/placing tubes, glue dispensing/tubes coating, pressurization, separation, tubes picking and upside down placing;
♦Pressurizing time can be set on the touch screen of controller according to glue nature
Suitable Glue: 
2600ml single-component package for thermal conductive silicone
LED T8 glass tube
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